
Our favourite Proximie procedures

Since launching in 2014, Proximie has assisted tens of thousands of procedures in over 50 countries, in every single surgical speciality.

Every single day, Proximie is enabling surgeons and healthcare teams around the world to collaborate in real-time and record, tag and edit their surgery footage, creating a unique tapestry of technique, insight, workflow, team interaction and operative detail - a database unlike any other in the world. But from the 100,000 hours of high quality surgical video, audio and device data stored on Proximie, which cases are etched in our team’s memory and why? Each week we will highlight the Proximie-assisted procedures which continue to inspire our team.

Our favourite Proximie procedures

“My favourite Proximie cases are always the first cases performed for a new surgeon, hospital, or med device partner. 

Once people start to use Proximie, the wheels begin to turn about what is possible, and new use cases often emerge on how Proximie can make surgery better through teaching or collaboration.”

“My favourite procedure is the Versius Robot case done in Jordan. 

I had the pleasure to take part in a CMR Surgical’s Versius Robot case, for a Left Radical Nephrectomy, at the King Hussein Cancer Center. The case was operated by Dr. Mohammad Shahait and proctored by Dr. Nikhil Vasdev. The reason this stands out is because it was the first ever robotic surgery in Jordan, it was assisted through Proximie, and I enjoyed taking part in every step there while meeting great minds from CMR as well.”

To learn more about this procedure, head to the blog: Jordan Harnesses the Power of Proximie to Deliver its First-Ever Robotics Procedure

“I would have to go for the procedure that happened on my father, which is one of my favourite cases for many reasons. It was incredible to hear first-hand how Proximie had put my dad’s mind at ease, before he underwent a major surgical procedure, which was a robotic partial knee arthroplasty with the CORI Surgical System.

It gave me a really insightful view of how Proximie can work hand-in-hand with robotics to help drastically improve a patient’s life. The fact that this successful procedure happened to my dad made it even more special. The power of this case epitomises why I work at Proximie. It was incredible to see and hear both sides of the story and to see the surgeon, Mr Simon Jennings, a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and global expert in robotic surgery, discuss the unique power of Proximie to help capture, store and share valuable surgical insight and knowledge for future generations.”

“My favourite Proximie-assisted procedure is the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) conjoined twins’ case from January 2023. This was the first-ever case of conjoined twins in Lebanon, taking 10 hours to complete.

Being part of this historical moment, alongside Mohamad Habash (Proximie Sales Support and Implementation Specialist), was incredibly moving. Proximie played a crucial role in enabling this very specialist procedure to be recorded and archived for future generations of surgeons to reference, to lean on for education, and for safekeeping the surgical techniques used in this very detailed case. It’s cases like these that make me very proud to be part of the team. Witnessing the twins being separated and placed in their own beds at 6:30pm was humbling and highlighted the significant impact of our work. This experience underscored the importance of what we do and how it truly makes a difference to people’s lives.”

“One of my most memorable Proximie-assisted procedures was an angioplasty, a minimally invasive treatment for narrowing heart arteries, led by Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. Anirban Choudhury, at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, Wales, on July 21, 2023.

“It was interesting because over the course of a few days, the surgical team in Wales live streamed two angioplasty procedures to surgeons gathered at two separate events - CHIP India, held in Chennai on one day, and then to the SCION conference in Kolkata a few days later - which offered the event attendees a valuable learning and collaboration experience.

“I thoroughly enjoyed watching Proximie technology remove borders and bring hundreds of surgeons into the Swansea Catheterisation lab. It enabled real-time collaboration across continents without surgeons losing days of work due to travel, thereby maintaining patient care, and providing a low carbon footprint, all cost effectively.

“The high-quality video, clear audio, and interactive tools made it feel as though Dr. Choudhury was in the room, directly guiding the participants. The engagement was overwhelmingly positive, with attendees gaining practical insights and skills to apply in their own practices. The feedback on Proximie’s capabilities after the event was excellent, truly highlighting Proximie’s ability to connect experts globally, enhancing surgical education and patient care.”

“During Chicago Live 2024, we supported an event that was a collaboration between Northwestern and the University of Chicago’s GI teams, in which we had five live cases occurring at any given time. With the help of Terrance Rodrigues, we supported the teams in these cases by switching back and forth between the different rooms, as interesting aspects of the procedures occurred. We essentially became the control tower from Proximie, enabling multiple views of multiple GI labs, all at once. This led to extremely interesting conversations between the operating physicians and the moderating panel. Hundreds of participants watched this happen live, and it was a fantastic and educational event!”

“One of the standout Proximie cases that I have supported was an advanced robotic gynaecological oncology procedure performed by Mr. Gautam Mehra, at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. This procedure was live-streamed to 30-40 King's College London medical students, who joined via the Proximie mobile app or their laptops.

“The students were not just passive observers; they actively engaged by asking questions, participating in medical trivia posed by the surgical team, and identifying surgical anatomy through telestration.

“For many of these students, it was their first experience with robotic surgery and a rare opportunity to interact directly with a surgeon in real-time. For me, this case clearly demonstrated the significant impact of Proximie's telepresence in enhancing medical education, offering a hands-on learning experience that extends beyond the traditional classroom.”

More from Proximie.