Access expertise globally from inside the operating room.

Proximie enables device reps, medical experts, and surgical teams around the world to share knowledge and best-practices to and from the OR in real-time.

Bring in the right know-how at the right time.

Collaborate from anywhere.

Access expertise immediately through immersive telepresence to perform procedures sooner, reduce risk, and improve outcomes.

Enable remote observation and mentorship.

Increase surgeon productivity and mentorship capacity through remote or asynchronous observation.

Provide new insights and information.

Display supplemental information like 3D models, efficiency analytics, past procedural data, and AI insights to support surgical teams.

Ensure consistent practices.

Open new channels for sharing key learnings and best practices to build a culture of safety.

We help healthcare leaders deliver better care, faster and more efficiently than ever before.
Annakan Navaratnam
Proximie has been a very useful training tool in endoscopic procedures in ENT surgery. The annotation tool enables surgical anatomy to be delineated precisely on the screen and improves the level of communication between trainer and trainee.
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