Proximie SDK: Your Partner in Innovation.

The Proximie SDK empowers OEM’s and medtech companies to build products with real-time connectivity, secure data handling, and full customizability and control, all without the complexity and risk of in-house development.  

The SDK enables real time collaboration and onboarding, facilitates product adoption, medical education, instant customer support, servicing and device data transfer - all alongside enhanced regulatory compliance and advanced data analytics. 

Proximie UI on a tablet and mobile phone.

The healthcare platform that drives safety and productivity.

Less risk. More reward - Proximie’s SDK minimizes your development burden and financial risk so you can focus on innovation.
Have complete control. The SDK enables single tenancy systems to give you full control of data management and oversight of software updates.
Enhance training and support. The SDK enables immersive, real-time interactions and monitoring for better training, proactive support, and responsive customer service.
Innovate faster. The SDK has a flexible architecture so you can continually update your products and optimize your R+D spending as the market changes.
Have a partner at your side. Our expert engineers help certify your applications, complete IT and IG audits, and train you to develop the next generation of digital applications for procedural medicine.

Partner with Proximie.

We believe the only way to solve momentous healthcare challenges is through partnership and collaboration. No single group can do it all. But together we can all build something incredible. Reach out to join our community.

Heroic portrait of female surgeon.